Whenever we start to creating a Android app we need to focus on their layout and try to make user friendly apps. In my previous article i gave you some cool animation effect which you can use in your any applications. I listed some hand picked animation libraries below :
But whenever user firstly come to your app then first thing is intro screen which is also important for app success point of view and in today tutorial you can get how to add material intro screen in your android applications.
For Material Icon library you can check this tutorial. And if you want full Material UI XML template then check this.
Now we dive in tutorial of Intro Screen with material for Android.
Customizing view animations:
You can set enter, default and exit translation for every view in intro activity. To achive this you need to get translation wrapper for chosen view (for example: getNextButtonTranslationWrapper()) and set there new class which will implement IViewTranslation
If you want to use parallax in a fragment please use one of the below views:
And set there the app:layout_parallaxFactor attribute:
- Add FoldingTab Bar and Menu in Android
- Kick Out the Wrong Password Android Animation
- Add PanoramaImageView in Android
- Boom Menu Android Example And many more...
But whenever user firstly come to your app then first thing is intro screen which is also important for app success point of view and in today tutorial you can get how to add material intro screen in your android applications.
For Material Icon library you can check this tutorial. And if you want full Material UI XML template then check this.
Now we dive in tutorial of Intro Screen with material for Android.
- Easily add new slides
- Custom slides
- Parallax slides
- Easy extensible api
- Android TV support!
- Material design at it's best!!!
We cover four different type of intro slide
Step 1:
Add gradle dependecydependencies { compile 'agency.tango.android:material-intro-screen:{latest_release}' }
Step 2:
First, your intro activity class needs to extend MaterialIntroActivity:public class IntroActivity extends MaterialIntroActivity
Step 3:
Add activity to manifest with defined theme:<activity android:name=".IntroActivity" android:theme="@style/Theme.Intro" />
Step 4:
Add slides:@Override protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); addSlide(new SlideFragmentBuilder() .backgroundColor(R.color.colorPrimary) .buttonsColor(R.color.colorAccent) .possiblePermissions(new String[]{Manifest.permission.CALL_PHONE, Manifest.permission.READ_SMS}) .neededPermissions(new String[]{Manifest.permission.CAMERA, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION}) .image(agency.tango.materialintroscreen.R.drawable.ic_next) .title("title 3") .description("Description 3") .build(), new MessageButtonBehaviour(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { showMessage("We provide solutions to make you love your work"); } }, "Work with love")); }
Explanation of SlideFragment usage:
- possiblePermissions ⇾ permissions which are not necessary to be granted
- neededPersmissions ⇾ permission which are needed to be granted to move further from that slide
- MessageButtonBehaviour ⇾ create a new instance only if you want to have a custom action or text on a message button
Step 5:
Customize Intro Activity:- setSkipButtonVisible() ⇾ show skip button instead of back button on the left bottom of screen
- hideBackButton() ⇾ hides any button on the left bottom of screen
- enableLastSlideAlphaExitTransition() ⇾ set if the last slide should disapear with alpha hiding effect
Customizing view animations:
You can set enter, default and exit translation for every view in intro activity. To achive this you need to get translation wrapper for chosen view (for example: getNextButtonTranslationWrapper()) and set there new class which will implement IViewTranslation
getBackButtonTranslationWrapper() .setEnterTranslation(new IViewTranslation() { @Override public void translate(View view, @FloatRange(from = 0, to = 1.0) float percentage) { view.setAlpha(percentage); } });Available translation wrappers:
- getNextButtonTranslationWrapper()
- getBackButtonTranslationWrapper()
- getPageIndicatorTranslationWrapper()
- getViewPagerTranslationWrapper()
- getSkipButtonTranslationWrapper()
Custom slides
Of course you are able to implement completely custom slides. You only need to extend SlideFragment and override following functions:- backgroundColor()
- buttonsColor()
- canMoveFurther() (only if you want to stop user from being able to move further before he will do some action)
- cantMoveFurtherErrorMessage() (as above)
If you want to use parallax in a fragment please use one of the below views:
And set there the app:layout_parallaxFactor attribute:
<agency.tango.materialintroscreen.parallax.ParallaxLinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"> <ImageView android:id="@+id/image_slide" app:layout_parallaxFactor="0.6"/>That's it. Hope you like this tutorial and download this demo with full source code here.
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